© 2007 denise

weekend in review : the 2 month birthday

This weekend started with a bang and ended with a strange, sleepy whimper.

The bang: Grandparents visiting, a new playgym, a long-overdue deep tissue massage (and about a 3 hour escape from the squirt), going out to eat in a real restaurant for the first time with The Girl, fun post-football game visitors (aww shucks, Bucks!), a lot of spitting up, a massive diaper blowout, and homemade corn chowder. For some reason, putting “massive diaper blowout” and “homemade corn chowder” so close together in that last sentence made the chowder seem less appealing. I assure you, it was delicious chowder!

The whimper: The Girl was napping soundly in her swing this afternoon when she just suddenly cried out in a full-on wail. Right out of her sleep. We have no idea why, but after scooping her up and consoling her, she issued a pretty good burp.

The weather is just nasty cold crappy rain, so we’re snuggled up tight in our house. I’m ready for the nap I know I’ll never get, but I can try.

Note the Carter's WiggleProof Socks

Note the Carter’s “WiggleProof” socks. Heh.

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