Category Archive: baby!

You Saw Mommy Kissing -NO ONE-, Understand?

You Saw Mommy Kissing -NO ONE-, Understand?

Absolutely. Classic. According to C, she let out one wail, but no tears. So epic meltdown isn't her Santa-style. Though looking at this Santa, I'm not ...


I Think My Heart Just Exploded In My Chest

I Think My Heart Just Exploded In My Chest

My daughter just gave me two real kisses - one on my neck and one on my shoulder - as I lifted her out of ...


Thanksgiving Flashback POTD: EXACTLY One Year Ago Today

Thanksgiving Flashback POTD: EXACTLY One Year Ago Today

Just get a load of this little pixie! You can almost see the little imp starting to take shape even in her earliest photos. I ...


Convenient, Travel-Sized Human

Convenient, Travel-Sized Human

And she fits in our luggage! Truly efficient and a timesaver for packing. Best of all, she seems to enjoy the inside of our suitcases ...


Cold As A Witches’ Tit Convention

Cold As A Witches’ Tit Convention

The weather has changed, the winds are chilling,  and it has become apparent that sweater jackets won't be doing much to keep the smallest Philipsen ...


Letters To My Daughter: Month 14

Letters To My Daughter: Month 14

Tonight you literally tackled me when I came home from work. While you weren't actually walking when you tackled me, you crawled really fast and ...


Tuesday POTD: I Like To Ride My Bike With My Jaunty Cap

Tuesday POTD: I Like To Ride My Bike With My Jaunty Cap